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One of the great things about Salvation Army music making is the community that it has created all around the world. Almost every Salvationist musician will have a story about a trip they were on, a group that visited their corps, connections made and ministry shared, all because they share a connection through music ministry.


As the contemporary worship team finds its way into the landscape of Salvation Army music, the heritage and richness of community, which has been integral to groups who have come before us, needs to be developed. With this in mind, we want SA Worship Magazine to be a catalyst for conversation and communication for Salvationist musicians. Our focus will be on contemporary congregational worship music and leaders around the world.



We hope that this magazine, or other resources produced and published on the SA Worship Magazine website, will create a light bulb moment for you. We pray you will find something inspirational, new or practical that you can use in your ministry. 



We will try to shine a light on groups and individuals around the world who are involved in contemporary music ministry and are doing it in a way to which we can all aspire. The beauty of community is seeing and celebrating when something is done well. As musicians, we aspire to give our best offering to God. He is worthy of not just the best we can give now, but of our time and effort to try and serve Him even better. Sharing ideas and connecting with others who are involved in this ministry across the globe can give us the iron sharpening iron that we may need. 


Salvation Army Focus

There are plenty of worship resources around. There are wonderful songs you can sing and articles that you could read. We want to focus on how we, as the Salvation Army in 2018 and beyond, worship. What is our context and voice within the wider Church today? How is our worship influenced by other churches and secular culture? What is our unique worship identity? How do we be who God has called us to be in the present day?


Your Input

We want you to contribute. Send your local stories to us at SA Worship Magazine and share how God is working in your ministry. Ask questions that we can share to the wider Army world and see what answers and wisdom might come back. Use and share these resources so we can help each other to grow and develop.  


With this in mind, we welcome you to SA Worship Magazine and hope that you will find blessing within the articles and information shared. Bless you as you serve your congregations, wherever they may be.

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SA Worship magazine is a cooperative project that has contributors from around The Salvation Army World. If you would like more information on how you can contribute, Please write to your local Territorial Worship Representative.

Editor: Simon Gough - Canada And Bermuda Territory 


Music Type Setting: Nik King - United Kingdom and  Republic of Ireland Territory

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